AKESO psychiatric response unit: 0861 435 787

Akeso is a psychiatric rehabilitation hospital for acute mental illness and substance abuse.
Akeso is a psychiatric rehabilitation hospital for acute mental illness and substance abuse. AKESO provides an emergency response unit as well as a telephonic hotline for potentially life threatening psychological emergency situations. Staff and paramedics are specifically trained in the area of mental health. Available 24 hours.

Life line: 0861 322 322

Lifeline national counselling telephone service.The national counselling line operates 24 hours / 7 days per week – feel free to call for more information and counselling.

Childline: 08000 55 555 or dial 116 free from all networks

Childline is an effective non-profit organization that works collectively to protect children from all forms of violence and to create a culture of children's rights in South Africa.Childline is an effective non-profit organization that works collectively to protect children from all forms of violence and to create a culture of children's rights in South Africa. Childline is a 24hour free telephone counselling service for children and adults.

SADAG suicide crisis line: 0800 567 567

The South African Depression and Anxiety group provides counselling and other mental health support. They are Africa’s largest mental health advocacy and support group. The South African Depression and Anxiety Group is Africa's largest mental health support and advocacy group and is involved in counseling, outreach and capacity building work throughout South Africa. Their suicide crisis line is available 24 hours.

Gender violence helpline 0800 150 150

Stop Gender Violence Toll-Free Helpline 0800-150-150. A product of LifeLine South Africa.
Call or WhatsApp chat the gender violence toll-free line 24hrs/7days per week for more information and counselling.